Buy shoes.

According to many, a rim for a car is like a slipper for a man. There are different tastes, but the common word is that riding on steel is a grave sin and should not even be considered. Well, then I’m in double sin now.

My little classic, i.e. the Autobianchi Y10, left the factory on nibs and for the sake of disguise, they were covered with a neat plastic cap. My Little Classic, i.e. the Autobianchi Y10, left the factory on nibs and for the sake of disguise, they were covered with a neat plastic cap.

But daily, which is already modestly shown here, is Marea. Fiat itself offered several designs of rims for it, and yet the market willingly complements the factory offer if it seemed too clichéd to someone. So I am faced with a dilemma.

Anticipating questions, I bought the car with black plastic hubcaps, but after two days I took them off and threw them away. They weren’t just factory. artisanal and really spoiled the aesthetics of the car. In this way, I saw… steel.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. At least you know what and how, but after thinking about it, you look at the classifieds and there are opportunities. The purchase is made easier by the popular 4×98 gauge, but the newly purchased tires have a size of 14 inches and I am considering such rims.

The Marea has a dark green color which makes the black steel look quite good on it, but I think the black paint on the aluminum rim wouldn’t be too cool here either. For the first fire, I throw brand new Borbets on the table, which someone sells for only 680 zlotys.

The design of my Fiat is rather rounded, which in turn encourages the use of full-shaped rims. Interestingly, the factory preferred the multi-spoke style, but a few years later the appropriate rim landed on the hubs of the Punto model. The cost is PLN 350, but there is a problem … a newer logo on the caps.

While it doesn’t bother me in the Borbets that the caps simply have the name of the manufacturer, on the wheels from Punto we already have „FIAT” in a laurel wreath from the times of a slow return to the older mark of the brand. In my opinion, the stamp on Marea looks much better, but apparently in Turin they thought otherwise.

And if so, maybe instead of coloristic experiments and trips in time, just stay with a set from the era and appropriate for the model? I don’t plan to modify the look of the Fiat, I like it the way it is so I might as well go that route. Cost: PLN 350.

Trzeba pamiętać, że na samym zakupie przez portale ogłoszeniowe się nie kończy. Dochodzi koszt przesyłki i kwestia dokupienia śrub mocujących. W końcu te do stalowych felg nie są identyczne. Niech to będzie kolejne 200 złotych plus około 100 na przemontowanie zestawu. Z niewielkiej operacji robi się nagle wydatek rzędu 700 złotych za tańsze i ponad 1000 za te droższe koła. I wiem, Marea zyskuje optycznie, ale sam zakup miał być budżetowy więc staram się trzymać tego założenia.

A skoro tak to nie należy zapominać, ze pozostaje jeszcze jedna droga do poprawy prezencji samochodu czyli poszukanie oryginalnych kołpaków z epoki, które montowane były właśnie w Marei. Jeszcze tego nie zbadałem, ale ta opcja jest kusząca z kilku powodów, a koszt jest tu wiodącym. Kupując za jakieś 50-70 złotych kołpaki oszczędziłbym na kosztach montażu opon. I wrócił do punktu wyjścia 😉. Tylko czy po ponad 20 latach uda się znaleźć kawałki plastiku, które wtedy Fiat zakładał na stalowe koła?

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